The Department of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages Contributes to Animals in War Dedication Project

OTTAWA, June 26, 2012 — The Animal in War Dedication Committee is pleased to announce that the Department of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages has agreed to support the Animals in War Dedication project with a $50,000 contribution.

The contribution will help ensure the creation of the Animals in War Dedication in honour of the invaluable contribution of animals of all species that fought alongside Canadian and Allied troops on battlefields through our military history.

With this financial support from Canadian Heritage, the Animals in War Dedication Committee steps even closer to achieving the projected total of $160,000. A total of $102,000 has been raised to date.

The Animals in War Dedication will be located in Confederation Park in Ottawa. The unveiling is tentatively scheduled for October 2012.

Contact: Lloyd Swick 613 228-8914 [email protected] or [email protected]
Canadian Heritage: 819 994-9101 or 1-866-569-6155