Did You Know?
Do you Know About Noah?
Noah has been an inspiration to us all and hopefully to Canadian kids everywhere. We hope that kids from coast to coast to coast will join us in creating this national Dedication, that Canadians will be able to visit any time they wish.
Did You Know Canada Has It’s Own Warhorse? Learn More About Bunny.
Read the Untold story of Toronto’s real Canadian war horse, and watch the video about him.
Did You Know War Animals Have Their Own Medal of Valour?
The PDSA Dickin Medal (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) is the war animals’ version of the Victoria Cross. Between 1943 and 1949, a total of 54 animals received the medal. Here are stories of some of the recipients.[Source: animalsinwar.org.uk]
Simon The Cat
Simon was the ship’s cat on the HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze Incident of 1949 and was awarded a posthumous PDSA Dickin Medal for his devotion to duty. Simon suffered extensive injuries when the warship was shelled by Chinese Communist forces. During the 101 days HMS Amethyst was held captive on the Yangtze River, Simon devoted his time to catching the rats that threatened the crew’s dwindling rations.

GI Joe: Pigeon
GI Joe, Pigeon (USA43SC6390), was awarded the Dickin medal in August 1946. The citation reads: “This bird is credited with making the most outstanding flight by a USA Army Pigeon in World War II. Making the 20 mile flight from British 10th Army HQ, in the same number of minutes, it brought a message which arrived just in time to save the lives of at least 100 Allied soldiers from being bombed by their own planes.”
Rob: War Dog
Rob, a Collie (War Dog No. 471/332 Special Air Service) was awarded the Dickin medal on January 1945. Citation: “Took part in landings during North African Campaign with an Infantry unit and later served with a Special Air Unit in Italy as patrol and guard on small detachments lying-up in enemy territory. His presence with these parties saved many of them from discovery and subsequent capture or destruction. Rob made over 20 parachute descents.”
Upstart the Police Horse
Upstart was a police horse awarded the Dickin medal on April 11, 1947. The citation reads: “While on patrol duty in Bethnal Green a flying bomb exploded within 75 yards, showering both horse and rider with broken glass and debris. Upstart was completely unperturbed and remained quietly on duty with his rider controlling traffic, etc., until the incident had been dealt with.”

Upstart is seen here on the right with two other PDSA Dickin medal winners, Olga and Regal.
The War Horse Called Warrior
This is the story of a war horse named Warrior, ridden by Lieutenant-Colonel John Seely who, in 1915, was appointed to command the Canadian Cavalry Brigade. On March 30 1918, Jack Seely and Warrior stood at Moreuil Wood on the banks of the Avre River in northern France. Behind Warrior were 1,000 horses of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade who charged to victory stemming the German Spring Offensive of 1918. Find out what happened to Warrior. Read More.
Interesting Links
Here are some interesting links that will tell you more about war animals and how they served to shape military history.
The Animals in War Memorial in the United Kingdom honours all war animals who served the British and allied forces during conflicts of the 20th Century.
Learn more about the decorate war dog hero: Gander the Newfoundland dog:
Find out more about carrier pigeons and the vital role they played in war.
Discover how many species of animals contributed to the war effort:
Veterans Affairs Canada provides a wonderful Kids’ Zone on their website for young historians to research war animals.
This intriguing multimedia history of World War 1 describes how the war horse and war mule were the backbone of the World War 1.
Discover photos of war animals who served in World War 1
Find out about Sgt. Reckless – a war horse who was a hero of the Korean War
Learn about our Canadian War Horse hero: Bunny
Find out how messenger dogs were trained and used during the Great War
The Imperial Camel Corps served in the Middle East during World War 1
Animal Assisted Support Services